There were strange priorities afoot in Tuesday's New York Times, which led with a poll story on falling support for the war in Afghanistan. Yet the paper buried a story from the same poll showing ...
Reporting on violent protests in Afghanistan following accidental Quran
burnings for Monday's NBC Today, correspondent Atia Abawi declared the
incident "...follows a long line of insults that ...
During Tuesday's live coverage of the New Hampshire Primary on MSNBC, Chris Matthews asked guest Tom Ridge why it is that "crazy neocons" and Republican "chickenhawks" always want to "go to war ...
On PBS's Inside Washington on Friday, the Politico's Evan Thomas - formerly of Newsweek - characterized the United States as a "great giant" that would go on to "stomp on" other countries after ...
A new Pew Research Center poll of military veterans found those serving after 9/11 were significantly more supportive of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan than either the general public or veterans ...
Andy Rooney delivered his final commentary Sunday night at the end of 60 Minutes and while the now 92-year old curmudgeon's pieces usually dealt with non-serious topics, he should be credited for ...
Magazine writer James Traub on poor, mistreated John Kerry: "The last time most Americans saw John Kerry, he was tying himself in knots trying to rebut the charge that he was for the war in Iraq ...
Fareed Zakaria, CNN's world affairs analyst, hailed President Obama's Afghanistan speech as a "remarkable speech for an American president" Wednesday and defended the president's decision to ...