Post Writer Says 'Gay Plague' Is Fault of 'Homophobia'

Is lung cancer the fault of tobaccophobes?

Washington Post Spins CDC AIDS Blunder

Media solution for increased HIV infection rates: throw more money at the problem.

Kerry: 'Al-Qaida Leadership is More Capable of Attacking Today' than on 9/11

Senator proposes $7.5 billion in 'non-military' aid; says 'winning the war of ideas' against al-Qaida important to climate change, AIDS.

Washington Post Tells the Truth about 'Safe Sex' -- Then Ignores It

A guest columnist exposes PC ideologues jeopardizing an effective morality-based AIDS prevention program in Uganda, while a house editorial calls for more of the failed condom approach here in the ...

AIDS: The Questions They Won't Ask

Here are some of the questions that the media probably won't ask the professional HIV/AIDS lobby, which grows ever fatter while the human tragedy rises

Bad Company III

For American Businessmen in the News, the Defense Never Rests

The NYT on Bush's "Prejudiced" Surgeon General Nominee

Three times the NYT says Bush's nominee for Surgeon General considered homosexual sex "unnatural and unhealthy" in a 1991 paper excoriated by gay rights groups - even though the words don't appear ...
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