
ABC Sensationalizes Qantas Incident

'Good Morning America' reports plane 'instantly plummeted' and passengers had 'no idea what was happening.'

Media Pile on Airlines over 'Safety Concerns'

Network news shows finally get on board with criticism of Federal Aviation Administration.

Flight Cancellations Lead to Morning Show Contrast on Airlines

'American Morning' warns airlines might 'cut corners' on safety; 'Good Morning America' says the system is working properly.

To Talk about Carbon Footprint, ABC Crew Flies Cross-Country

'World News' anchor promotes costly green lifestyle, but ignores hypocrisy of jet-set report.

Airline Complaints Down, Network Complaints about Airlines Up

CBS, NBC attack industry for poor performance though travelers do not.

Runway Waits Uncommon Despite Media Hype

USA Today emphasizes two-hour waits, but Associated Press shows chances 1 in 1,000.

Media Operate in Concert with Gore's Music Plans

Print, broadcast ignore hypocrisy of a 'green' event that could pollute every continent.
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