Alan Cowell: "As the riots in London and elsewhere in August seemed to show, the profound gulf between haves and have-nots has been magnified by the inequalities and envies of a society that has ...
Reporter Alan Cowell can't pay tribute to Britain's World War II songstress Vera Lynn without bringing up the war in Afghanistan where Britain is "leeching the lives of the soldiers it sends there."
Bravo for Gordon Brown's PC approach to terrorism: "Mr. Brown played down the threat, treating the episodes as a crime rather than a threat to civilization. Yet, his minimalist approach seemed to ...
Mark Steyn mocks "a new New York Times definition of 'disenfranchised': 'complacent liberal assumption designed to reassure readers that they can fit this story into all the old cliches about the ...
And a Slate columnist "couldn't help but pick up on the distinct strain of grudging admiration that ran through the NYT's coverage of Hussein's trip to the gallows."