
Spinning for the 'Revived' Lisa Murkowski Candidacy on the Front Page

A thin front-page story spun hard for moderate Republican Lisa Murkowski's write-in campaign to retain her Alaska Senate seat: "So why do plenty of people here, from analysts to many rank-and-file ...

A Day After ABC Highlighted Sarah Palin's Political 'Losing Streak,' Her Candidate Closes in on Stunning Win

A day after highlighting Sarah Palin's political "losing streak," Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Wednesday acknowledged the stunning turn in Alaska's senatorial primary race: "But Joe Miller ...

Oops: Sen. Lisa Murkowski's 'Comfortable Lead Heading Into the Primary' Not Really Panning Out

Damien Cave assumes too much in Alaska: "...Senator Lisa Murkowski also faced an insurgent candidate, the Tea Party favorite Joe Miller, but after outspending him significantly she appeared to ...

Greenpeace Maligns Fishing Industry with Inaccurate Ad

Industry organization refutes environmental activists who claim Alaskan Pollock are being 'overfished.'

A Study in Character Assassination: How the TV Networks Have Portrayed Sarah Palin as Dunce or Demon

An analysis of two weeks of coverage of the GOP vice presidential nominee reveals unremitting hostility from the network news.

Networks Help Obama Bridge Gap on Earmarks

Journalists race to 'check' Palin claims, ignore Democrats' billion dollars in earmarks.

Obligatory Sarah Palin Hit Piece Shrugworthy

Times goes drilling for scandal in Sarah Palin's Alaskan background, comes up empty.

Egan on Sarah Palin, "Alarming" Alaskan Outsider

Liberal reporter turned blogger Timothy Egan argues that the Alaskan Palin may be too strange for mainstream America - a week after attacking Cokie Roberts for calling Hawaii a ...

Bartiromo Calls Palin a 'Terrific Choice'

CNBC anchor says Republican vice presidential pick is strong on energy.

Boxer Unwilling to Compromise on ANWR Drilling

California senator would not open up Alaskan lands to oil exploration, even in exchange for investments in 'reusable energy.'
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