
Media Research Center

Ammosexual: (n.) Liberal Slur for 2nd Amendment Enthusiasts

Alternet rags on celebrities with any conservative streak.
Media Research Center

A Feminist’s Christmas Tale: God Raped Mary

You just can’t make this stuff up.
Media Research Center

AlterNet: Pets ‘Public Enemy Number Two’ Due to ‘Negative Impact’ on Climate

Left-wing website decries pets’ massive ‘carbon paw prints.’
Media Research Center

Alternet Writer Suggests Moms Are ‘Environmental Villains’

Mom feels guilty about ‘environmental impact of procreation.’
Media Research Center

Alternet Freak-out: Bruised, Bloodied by GOP Bully Brigade

Oh the poor victims of electoral politics!
Media Research Center

‘Snowpiercer:’ A Train Ride Through the Horrors of Liberal Extremism

Liberals see only ‘class warfare’ in this Korean thriller, most ignore villain’s embrace of radical left-wing views.
Media Research Center

Lefty Media Slam ‘Parasitic’ Ridesharing Companies Like Uber

Liberal economists and websites like Alternet, attack freedom and competition in rideshare vs. taxi feud.
Media Research Center

Liberal Media Embrace ‘Rock Star’ Far-Left Economist Piketty

French economist’s massive economic text touted as ‘beach read,’ in spite of radical proposals like 80 percent tax on incomes above $500,000.
Media Research Center

23 Liberal Media Outlets, Including MSNBC Defend IRS Tea Party Probe

 Left-wing operations say conservatives deserved to be targeted.  
Media Research Center

Lefty Paranoia: Alternet Calls Supreme Court Justices ‘Neo-Confederates’

Moonbat lefty site frets Scalia and co. are ‘gearing up to restore white rule over America.’  
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