
Times Laments 'Painful Setback' to 'Dream Act' Amnesty for Illegals

Julia Preston offered more slanted coverage of the "painful setback" to a narrowly "tailored" effort to bring illegals "out of the shadows." So why were they doing watching from the gallery of the ...

The Times Finally Slips in Some Unflattering Facts About 'Dream Act' Amnesty

Wait: I thought this was just about high school students? Julia Preston belatedly reports some of the actual features of the "Dream Act" amnesty program: "The lead sponsor of the Senate bill, ...

The Times Trumpets Yet Another Tiny Illegal Immigrant Protest

Once again, immigration-beat reporter Julia Preston finds "dozens of college students" protesting in South Beach worth a 1,200-word story: "Dozens of college students lay down on South Beach on ...

Christians: Surprising Allies In the Fight for Amnesty! Just Like They Were Three Years Ago

Laurie Goodstein today: "At a time when the prospects for immigration overhaul seem most dim, supporters have unleashed a secret weapon: a group of influential evangelical Christian leaders." A ...

The Times Can't Stop Pushing Two Itsy-Bitsy Amnesty Marches

After two full stories on a grand total of nine protesters marching for amnesty for illegal immigrant students, the Times follows up with a pungent editorial on the same lame marches.

NYT Finds Illegal Immigrant Protest Tactics 'Escalating' from Four Protesters to Five!

After writing in January about a pro-amnesty protest involving a grand total of four student marchers, NYT reporter Julia Preston followed up with "an escalation of protest tactics" at Sen. John ...

Illegal Immigrant Protest Tactics 'Escalating' - From Four Protesters to Five!

After writing up a pro-amnesty protest involving a grand total of four student marchers in January, reporter Julia Preston followed up with "an escalation of protest tactics" at Sen. John McCain's ...

Reid's Liberal Amnesty Promise Makes It to Print - But His Reversal Only Makes It Online

Julia Preston's celebration of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's promise to push for amnesty for illegals "this year" made Sunday's print edition. Yet Reid's reversal three days later was ...

Times Conjures Up Public Support for Amnesty-Style "Immigration Reform"

Do the American people really "overwhelmingly" supporting comprehensive immigration reform - otherwise known as amnesty for illegals? Um, not really, no matter what a rabid Times editorial says.

A New Angle in Defense of Illegal Immigration

The Times weeps for the plight of...big business?
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