Amy Chozick

Media Research Center

CNN's Mixed Signals: Lewinsky Scandal Casts Doubt on Hillary, But GOP Shouldn't Raise It

Thursday's New Day on CNN hyped Monica Lewinsky's Vanity Fair article and acknowledged that former President Clinton's sex scandal with the now former White House intern casts doubt on Hillary ...
Media Research Center

Maureen Dowd Pushes Hillary for President, But in '96 HRC Was 'Riding Roughshod' Over People

Maureen Dowd revved up the Hillary for President bandwagon, while generally mentioning the "darker" side of the former secretary of state. Dowd was more specific back in 1996: "Mrs. Clinton's ...
Media Research Center

NYT Reports From Two Weeks Ago on Stephanie Cutter, the Brilliant Mind Behind Obama's 'Big Bird' Attacks

The New York Times admiring profile by Amy Chozick of Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter is a bit behind on current events. It comes off like a snapshot from before Cutter shamelessly ...
Media Research Center

Bill Clinton, 'Global Philanthropist on a Journey to Cure the World’s Ills', Gushes New York Times' Front Page

Amy Chozick goes overboard in praise of Bill Clinton's personal touch: "He likes to use the Zulu greeting sawubona ('I see you') when he is traveling in parts of southern Africa, and he often ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Nods Along as 'Media Critic in Chief' Obama Excoriates Press for 'False Balance'

New York Times reporter Amy Chozick on Barack Obama, media critic in chief: "But in his informal role as news media critic in chief, he developed a detailed critique of modern news coverage that ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Nods Along as 'Media Critic in Chief' Obama Excoriates Press for 'False Balance'

Amy Chozick on Barack Obama, media critic in chief: "But in his informal role as news media critic in chief, he developed a detailed critique of modern news coverage that he regularly ...
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