
Andrea Mitchell Lauds 'Living Legacy' of Anita Hill, Knocks Clarence Thomas

According to MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, Clarence Thomas' accuser, Anita Hill, is a "living legacy." The cable anchor on Wednesday fawned over the woman who, 20 years ago, charged the now-Supreme ...

Andrea Mitchell Laments Palestinian Statehood Fight Spoiling Obama's Libya 'Victory Lap'

Reporting on President Obama speaking at the United Nations for Wednesday's NBC Today, chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell sympathetically declared: "Preparing for today's speech, ...

Barbour Warns Perry: A Conservative, Christian, Southern Republican Like You Will Be 'Nitpicked' by Liberal Media

When NBC's Andrea Mitchell, on Friday, asked Haley Barbour if Rick Perry had to "clean up his language?" the former head of the RNC brushed back the host of MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports by ...

Network Newscasts Apoplectic Over Perry, NBC's Williams: 'White House Tells Him to Watch What He Says'

"Republican presidential contender Rick Perry rustles up a controversy when he appears to threaten the head of the Federal Reserve," CBS anchor Scott Pelley teased Tuesday night in taking ...

NBC Gives Most Coverage to Newsweek Cover Controversy, But Uses it to Paint Bachmann as 'Extreme'

While anchor Brian Williams described Newsweek's controversial cover photo of Michelle Bachmann as "clearly a misfire" on Monday's NBC Nightly News, on Tuesday's Today, correspondent Andrea ...

Disappointed Andrea Mitchell Hits Pelosi from the Left: Where Are the Tax Increases?

NBC's Andrea Mitchell, in an exclusive Wednesday interview with Nancy Pelosi aired on her MSNBC show, hit the Democratic House Minority Leader from the left on the debt agreement as she pronounced ...

CBS's Schieffer Mimics Obama, Proposes Republicans 'the Party that Can't Say Yes to Anything?'

Adopting the spin of President Barack Obama - who on Friday insisted "one of the questions that the Republican Party is going to have to ask itself is: Can they say yes to anything?" ' on Sunday's ...

NBC Picks on Supposed Republican Stumbles Before Showing Obama Soothing a Baby

On Tuesday night, NBC highlighted a series of stumbles by Republican presidential candidates, none of them all that significant (Romney having $100 bills in his wallet and Perry referring to ...

Andrea Mitchell Whines About Tim Pawlenty's 'Counterintuitive' Tax Plan

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell scolded Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty on Thursday over the former Minnesota governor's proposed plan to reduce taxes and cut spending, decrying the ...

NBC Touts Bill Clinton's Unhappiness with Embarrassment of Weiner Sex Scandal

During a report on growing calls for Anthony Weiner to resign from Congress on Thursday's NBC Today, Politico's Maggie Haberman noted how former President Bill Clinton was particularly troubled by ...
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