Ann Romney

Media Research Center

Robin Roberts, Who Got 'Chills' from Obama, Pushes Ann Romney: 'Why Not Release' Taxes?

Good Morning America co-host Robin Roberts, who has conducted a number of fawning interviews with Barack and Michelle Obama, pushed Ann Romney in an exclusive interview on Thursday to release ...
Media Research Center

Trip Gabriel Digs Spurs In, Takes Ann Romney's Horse Story for Another Pointless Lap

New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel enlisted Daily Show comedian Stephen Colbert to mock the Romney campaign, specifically Ann Romney's interest in the sport of equestrian dressage: "As the wife ...
Media Research Center

Front-Page New York Times Scoop: The Romneys Are Rich!

Campaign reporter Trip Gabriel, on top of the big stories: "As Ann Romney immersed herself in the elite world of riding over the last dozen years, she relied on Jan Ebeling as a trusted tutor ...
Media Research Center

NBC Tries to Undermine Romney Handling of Hilary Rosen Attack

On Monday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Peter Alexander played up comments Mitt Romney made at a fund-raiser in Florida about cutting government programs as if the GOP presidential candidate's ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Friedman Bemoans 'False Indignation' at Rosen's Slam of Ann Romney

On Friday's CBS This Morning, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman did his best to brush aside the controversy over liberal diehard Hilary Rosen's attack on Ann Romney, claiming that the issue ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Chuck Todd Dismisses Hilary Rosen Comments As 'Manufactured Controversy'...Eight Times

On his 9 a.m. EDT MSNBC show The Daily Rundown on Friday, NBC political director and chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd referred to Hilary Rosen's denigrating remarks about Ann Romney as a ...
Media Research Center

NBC, CBS Finally Discover Ugly Attack on Ann Romney, Highlight GOP 'Gender Gap'

NBC and CBS's evening and morning shows on Thursday and Friday finally discovered the ugly comments made by a Democratic operative against Ann Romney. After skipping the story Thursday ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Goes Mild on Insult of Ann Romney: 'Some Women saw an Opportunity Squandered'

The Times portrayed Obama supporter Hilary Rosen's gaffe on CNN Wednesday night, when she accused Mitt Romney's wife Ann of having "never worked a day in her life," as less of a Democratic ...
Media Research Center

Wolf Blitzer Puts Hilary Rosen Through the Wringer, Forces Her to Apologize to Ann Romney

After saying Ann Romney had never worked a day in her life, Democratic activist Hilary Rosen was trying to spin her way out of the firestorm over her comments. CNN's Wolf Blitzer would have ...
Media Research Center

NBC, CBS Spike Dem Adviser's Nasty Comment That Mom Ann Romney Has 'Never Worked'

The NBC and CBS morning shows on Thursday completely skipped any mention of a nasty attack on Ann Romney by Democratic National Committee adviser (and frequent White House visitor) Hilary ...
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