Anna Wintour

Media Research Center

Liberal Pundits More Skeptical of Possible Wintour Ambassadorship Than NBC Journalists

After the cast of NBC's Today gushed on Tuesday over President Obama's "very fashionable decision" to possibly appoint Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour as an ambassador, on Wednesday, ...
Media Research Center

NBC Gushes Over Obama's 'Very Fashionable Decision' to Possibly Name 'Vogue' Editor as Ambassador

At the top of Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie cheered the news that President Obama may make one of his major campaign donors, Anna Wintour, an ambassador: "Going Vogue? A report ...
Media Research Center

Sympathy for 'the Devil': Anna Wintour 'an Engaged Politico and Valuable Asset' to Obama

Intimidating Vogue editor Anna Wintour is actually "an engaged politico and valuable asset to President Obama and his re-election effort," gushes Times political and media writer Jeremy Peters.
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