
Media Research Center

Climate Depot’s Morano: Vice Manipulated Ice Interview

 HBO’s Vice airs hit job on ‘climate deniers,’ pushing catastrophic ice melt theme.
Media Research Center

Frozen Global Warming

Media Research Center

Climate Researchers’ Ship Trapped By Ice; Only 1 of 23 Network News Stories Mention Mission

Stranded researchers were on Antarctic Expedition to study climate change.
Media Research Center

Antarctica Not Melting: Ice Levels At Record High

Climate change alarmists struggle to understand how ice can increase with global warming.
Media Research Center

NBC Alarmism: Could Penguins Be 'Canary in the Coal Mine' of Global Warming?

In a report on Monday's NBC Today about declining penguin populations in Antarctica, correspondent Kerry Sanders didn't take long to lay the blame on man-made climate change: "Penguins are ...

'Nightly News' Focuses on Greenland Melt, Ignores Antarctic Ice Expansion

NBC correspondent goes to Greenland to expose global warming, but expert in segment admits fallibility of climate model predictions.

Polar Bear Scare Could Maul Energy Production

Global warming alarmists, news media portray arctic beasts as victims and spokesbears, but protecting their thriving population means greatly increased federal power to control our lives.

Networks Hype Eroding Beaches, Breaking Icebergs

NBC and CBS blame volatility of coastlines and rise in sea level on global warming.

'Nightly News' Gives One Side of Antarctica Ice Changes

NBC environmental reporter points finger at man for landscape changes; doesn't acknowledge any other possible factors or science.
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