6/16/2015 8:27 AM ET
‘No H8’ right? Think again …
6/11/2015 7:48 AM ET
Left-on, you mean?
12/15/2014 3:14 PM ET
Anti-Christian totalitarianism reaches absurd level.
12/8/2014 12:53 PM ET
The virgin being
Jesus who’s unfortunate situation Peter tries to rectify.
12/8/2014 12:53 PM ET
The virgin being
Jesus who’s unfortunate situation Peter tries to rectify.
11/12/2014 8:51 PM ET
On Wednesday night, ABC News continued to promote a new book with the “astonishing” claim that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene and had two children together with a flattering one-and-a-half ...
9/23/2014 12:28 PM ET
survivor autobiography is one ‘too Christian’ example.
8/2/2013 2:23 PM ET
Christians call for Facebook to remove offensive page.
7/25/2013 7:41 AM ET
ABC, CBS, NBC talked pregnancy 110 times; never mentioned escalating anti-Christian violence.
6/18/2012 1:09 PM ET
Governments in America, abroad practice pro-gay discrimination, press approves.