Cramer: 'Come on Man, Let Them Drill'

CNBC 'Mad Money' host lashes out at politicians for touting a 'windfall profits' tax and for not drilling domestically.

Lack of New Drilling Blamed on Oil Companies

Maryland congressman tells CNN off-limits oil areas shouldn't be opened to exploration because other lands where oil can't be recovered 'are sitting idle.'

Senators Warn Bill Could Spike Gas $1.50 to $5 a Gallon

Inhofe, Sessions blast massive costs of global warming legislation.

CNN Contributor Calls Obama's $150 Billion Energy Proposal 'Valuable'

AOL Money Coach's answer to high gas prices: Obama proposal matched with 'legislation to force the use of alternative energy.'

'Good Morning America' Gives Only Fraction of ANWR Caribou Story

Show's weatherman warns oil exploration could endanger wildlife, though proposals for drilling would impact only 1/100th of 1 percent of the total refuge.

Media Revelation: Ethanol is Causing Inflation

CNBC's Cramer confronts Clinton on ethanol fallacy in interview; 'Nightly News' admits corn is causing higher food prices.

ABC: 'Blame' Inflation on the 'Price of Wheat'

Network ignores correlation between government mandates which have created artificial demand for bio-fuels and inflation 'spike.'
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