Gail Collins talks Schwarzenegger's love child on Rachel Maddow's show: "...there are people, a lot of people in the country who not only have very strong, you know, family values, but believe ...
Every hour but one of CNN's Tuesday evening news coverage featured at least a mention of former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's marital infidelity. Guess which anchor backed away from ...
With a supreme lack of irony or self-awareness, former Clinton operatives George Stephanopoulos and James Carville on Tuesday chided the "amazing" revelation that Arnold Schwarzenegger had an ...
If video-game makers have their way, the Constitution will protect the right of grade-school kids to graphically rip off the heads of people on Sony's PlayStation 3.
Reporter Jennifer Stienhauer cheers on California liberal Republican governor: "Mr. Schwarzenegger's accomplishments - particularly as a Republican in an ever-blue state - have been significant, ...
Speaking to California Governor Arnold Schwarzengger on Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith noted the success of the tea party movement, but spun it as a negative for the Republican ...
The overexcitable reporter David Herszenhorn is still seeing Obama triumphs on health care, including a purported "Republican chorus for health care" that's actually sounding some pretty flat notes.
On Wednesday's GMA, ABC's Chris Cuomo suggested Republicans are putting Americans at "risk" by opposing President Obama's big government health care plan. Cuomo sought validation from liberal ...
A Tuesday story on ABC's World News, which ignored soaring state spending, reflected frustration with California voters for the anticipated rejection of ballot initiatives to raise taxes as ...