
Times Watch Quotes of Note - Conflating Concern on Liberal Bias With (Alleged) Racism

Plus: An editor calls Speaker John Boehner racist for asking President Obama to postpone his address to Congress for one night.

Brisbane Traces Media's 'Fact-Checking' to Outcry Over Willie Horton Ad

The paper's public editor, Arthur Brisbane, reveals the "current [fact-checking] movement has its roots in the late 1980s, a response to aggressive advertising like the Willie Horton ads aimed at ...

NYT Public Editor Responds to Koch Industries, Laments Paper's One-Sided Liberal Opinion Slant

Writing on the hostility to Koch Industries that dominates the paper's opinion and critical writing, Public Editor Arthur Brisbane admitted he "would be happier if The Times had a more diverse ...

Public Editor Asks if NYT Reporters Should Fact-Check, But They Already Do (the GOP, Anyway)

Public Editor Arthur Brisbane made waves by asking Should The Times Be a Truth Vigilante? But the paper already is, at least against Republicans, replete with ardent defenses of liberal policy ...

Top Editor Abramson Promises To Get to 'Heart' of Occupy Issues Like 'Income Inequality'

Executive Editor Jill Abramson promised the Times was "proceeding on multiple fronts with stories that get at the heart of the issues that OWS brings up - income inequality, the lingering effects ...

Jerusalem Bureau Chief Bronner Accused of Conflict of Interest with...Israeli Rightist?

A left-wing blogger/journalist calls out Ethan Bronner for his tie to a PR firm run by an alleged "Zionist." But excessive sympathy for the state of Israel is one thing that Bronner cannot be ...

New Executive Editor Abramson Admits, Sort of, the Times' Liberal Slant

How will new Executive Editor Jill Abramson counteract the personal liberal slant of her reporters? "I sometimes try not only to remind myself but my colleagues that the way we view an issue in ...

NYT Ombudsman Finds Editors Who Don't Mind Joe Nocera Comparing Tea Party to Terrorists

The paper's Public Editor Arthur Brisbane did not mention that columnist Joe Nocera is far from the only Times columnist to liken Tea Party supporters or conservative congressmen to terrorists.

Times Critics Vindicated: Public Editor Dresses Down Dubious Article Critical of Natural Gas Industry

Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane concluded of Ian Urbina's controversial front-page Sunday story on natural gas: "...such a pointed article needed more convincing substantiation, more space for ...

Kalb to Keller: Why Do You Allow Left-Wing Views in Your News Stories?

Marvin Kalb asks Executive Editor Bill Keller: "Many conservatives as you well know, criticize the Times as being a liberal, left-wing newspaper, and that those views get into the news part of ...
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