
'Evening News:' Food Stamp Allotments Aren't Enough

CBS emphasizes hardship of food stamp users, complains that government has not increased federal assistance to match food inflation.

Media Silent on Far-Left Anti-Abstinence Alliance

The ACLU and Planned Parenthood are teaming up to take down federally funded abstinence education. Pulls Story Making Quake/Climate Link Claim

Site says it's AP, AP says it isn't ours; story identical to 'ubercrackpot' scientist's press release.

AP Suggests Christians Oppose Faith-Affirming License Plates

Article quotes three pastors who oppose I Believe license plates in SC, but no pastors in favor.

Obama's Retiring Pastor: Jefferson a Pedophile

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright's explosive accusation against Thomas Jefferson was not reported by the Associated Press and the Chicago Sun-Times, though the audio is on the newspaper's Web site.

AP Upgrades Economy from 'Recession' to 'Near Halt'

Fears of economic decline lead to slow, but still positive growth, according to wire service.

ABC: 'Blame' Inflation on the 'Price of Wheat'

Network ignores correlation between government mandates which have created artificial demand for bio-fuels and inflation 'spike.'

Don't Use the 'A' Word

Media tout condom use, ignore increase in abstinence to explain record low teen birth rate.

Who Is Capt. Jamil Hussein? The Times Doesn't Ask In Print

When discussing controversy over an alleged atrocity in Iraq, in which Sunnis were reportedly doused in kerosene and burned alive, Tom Zeller leaves off a vital question he asked on his blog days ...

Don't Even Bother to Read This Story

The Times tops its brief story on a possible financial scandal involving Sen. Harry Reid with this riveting headline: "Senator Offers to Amend Financial Forms."
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