
60 Minutes Coddled Obama But Pounds Cantor from the Left as Gridlock-Causing Rigid Tea Party Ideologue

Three weeks after CBS's 60 Minutes delivered a friendly sit-down with President Barack Obama, the show didn't even attempt a matching approach to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Instead, Lesley ...

Amanpour, Agreeable with Pelosi, Pushes Boehner Repeatedly from Left to Raise Taxes

ABC's Christiane Amanpour, on Sunday's This Week, hit House Speaker John Boehner repeatedly from the left to raise taxes, a hostile, political agenda-driven approach she failed to apply a month ...

Sour Schieffer Scolds Cain for Ad: 'It's Not Funny to Me...I Don't Think It Serves the Country Well'

CBS's Bob Schieffer unintentionally played the foil to Herman Cain on Sunday's Face the Nation as Schieffer expressed his politically-correct displeasure with Cain's "downright bizarre" Web video, ...

Gregory Contends 'Awkward' Moments at Debates 'Challenge Notion' GOP is 'Party of Life'

Meet the Press host David Gregory contented the fact a GOP presidential debate audience applauded Rick Perry for allowing the death penalty, and three in an audience of hundreds shouted "yeah" to ...

CNN Gives Maher Platform to Accuse GOP Candidates of 'Horrible Society-Killing Ideas,' Call Cheney 'More Psychotic' Than Weiner

The night after CNN's debate with seven Republican presidential candidates, Anderson Cooper brought aboard left-wing "comedian" Bill Maher to ridicule them. Asked if he "had to vote" for one of ...

On Letterman, Maher Charges Racist 'Tea-Baggers' Are 'Corporate America's Useful Idiots,' CBS Expunges Vile Term

Regurgitating the same kind of derogatory comments he regularly spews on his Friday night HBO show, Bill Maher showed up Monday night on the Late Show with David Letterman where CBS, unlike HBO, ...

Arguing with Rand Paul, Letterman Urges Tax Hike to Pay Wisconsin Workers and Displays Ignorance of Tax Burdens

Catching up with a Thursday night appearance by Senator Rand Paul, Paul's segment on the Late Show exposed David Letterman as an arrogantly ill-informed ally of Wisconsin's public employee unions: ...

Prime Time CBS Drama 'The Good Wife' Impugns Tea Party as 'Racist Organization'

Tuesday night's The Good Wife on CBS gave prime time legitimacy to the presumption the Tea Party is racist as a lawyer in a courtroom tried to discredit an expert witness by demanding he admit ...

Network Journalists Advance Leftist Wish to Blame Palin (and Tea Party) for Shooting

"The shooter's motivation is still unknown," Katie Couric announced as she anchored Saturday's CBS Evening News, but that didn't deter CBS, nor CNN, NBC and ABC on Saturday night and into Sunday ...

On Fox, Juan Williams Calls GOP Presidential Field 'Weak' and Insists Palin 'Can't Stand on the Intellectual Stage with Obama'

"This is such a weak field," Fox News analyst Juan Williams declared during a Fox News Sunday look at potential 2012 GOP presidential candidates, prompting an appalled Bill Kristol to mock: "Yeah, ...
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