Aurora Theater Shooting

Media Research Center

CNN Asks Why Democrats Haven't Done More for Gun Control

CNN forced gun control into the headlines just hours after Friday's tragic Aurora shooting, and five days later it continued to pressure Democrats to push for more gun regulation. On ...
Media Research Center

Another Tea Party Terrorist Smear

ABC's George Stephanopoulos and Brian Ross somehow linked a Colorado mass murderer to an innocent Tea Party protester with the same name. This was supposed to be a news studio, not a campaign war ...

PBS's Bill Moyers Trashes America and the NRA As 'Venomous...Enablers of Death'

With the first heart-breaking headlines out of Colorado, gun-rights advocates just had to know that leftist lecturers in our media would mount their soap boxes and trash this country for ...
Media Research Center

CNN Shoves Gun Control Into Spotlight After Obama Says Politics Can Wait

On a day where politics was supposed to take a back seat to "prayer and reflection" in the wake of a deadly Colorado shooting, CNN let liberal mayors drive the debate about gun control on Friday ...
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