
Times Staffer Vlasic Hails 'Solidarity' of Obama and Automakers on New Fuel Standards

In his July 28 front page article, Times staffer Bill Vlasic hailed the "solidarity" of automakers with the Obama administration in developing stringent new fuel economy standards. He downplayed ...

Networks Fail to Expose GM's Misleading Commercial

Claim from General Motors was touted by ABC, CBS and NBC; criticism now being ignored.

CNBC Host Blames 'Overpaying' Howard Stern for XM Sirius Woes

Dennis Kneale says satellite radio provider overpaid for shock jock, but newly reported quarterly losses also due to poor auto sales.

Networks Praise 'Clunker' Program, Downplay Critics

ABC, CBS and NBC all say car trade-in scheme is a 'victim of its own success,' after burning through $1 billion in a week.

Kernen: Energy Czar Browner is 'Scary' during 'Once in a Lifetime Recession'

CNBC anchor says she could regulate emissions of 'bakeries, breweries, places of worship.'

Dear Baltimore Sun: Nationalizing Auto Industry Means Sacrificing Others

It is impossible to know if the future benefits of electric cars are worth what could be lost by subsidizing them.

Dear Toledo Blade: Americans Can Invest in Companies Without Bailouts

If the public aren't investing in auto manufacturers, why should Congress?

Dear WSJ: Government Can't Even Get Socialism Right

Auto industry and 'sadistic' anti-capitalists.

Michigan Mayor Says No Auto Bailout Will Mean Depression

Virg Bernero says letting Big Three 'fall by the wayside' will 'hurt national security.'
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