10/6/2013 12:40 AM ET
Offensive portrayal perhaps topped by graphic slurs against
3/5/2012 6:30 PM ET
Violent, sexual language, crude epithets, even death wishes
– conservative women get the worst in liberals.
8/31/2011 1:38 PM ET
Journalists help left attack right-wing politicians in most despicable ways.
8/23/2011 2:40 PM ET
Lefty media website says tea party members have "'officially gone 'Down the Rabbit Hole.'"
8/16/2011 2:58 PM ET
Marcus Bachmann, Rick Perry? To Lib Journalists, theyre so gay!
8/10/2011 8:18 PM ET
Joe Levy suggests rapper Kanye West could have also compared himself to the Minnesota Congresswoman.
8/10/2011 3:35 PM ET
Unflattering Newsweek Queen of Rage Bachmann cover is latest character assassination.
7/18/2011 1:29 PM ET
Comedy Central host averaged 23 percent of broadcast time attacking GOP and Fox.
7/7/2011 1:45 PM ET
Hit piece portrays Michele and Marcus Bachmann as radical anti-gay crusaders, religious zealots.
10/13/2010 1:00 AM ET
HLN host demands Minnesota congresswoman earn her feminist stripes by rebuking New York gubernatorial candidate Paladino and supporting SCHIP.