11/17/2011 11:09 PM ET
Media spin high prices and largely ignore warnings of $4.50 a gallon in 2012.
11/11/2011 8:00 PM ET
Coverage of 'Back to Work' maintains storyline of Clinton's era of prosperity, downplay his role in later economic collapse.
9/29/2011 1:11 PM ET
Network evening shows talk about employment woes, but rarely mention 9.1 percent figure.
9/7/2011 9:45 PM ET
President and media stuck on repeat, but ABC, CBS, NBC won't admit it; argue for more money to fix roads, bridges.
8/15/2011 4:59 PM ET
Lefty Businessman Spends Millions Funding Journalism
8/4/2011 2:00 PM ET
President talks 39 times more about himself than he does the debt.
3/30/2011 2:33 PM ET
Few journalists note liberal shift from 'make love, not war' to 'make war.'
3/30/2011 2:17 PM ET
Few journalists note liberal shift from 'make love, not war' to 'make war.'
3/29/2011 9:55 AM ET
Just in time for Holy Week, cable network dramatizes worst of the Church history.
1/28/2011 11:11 PM ET
The government will not put itself on austerity, only the people can force it to.