3/24/2008 12:19 PM ET
CNBC 'Mad Money' host appears on CNN's 'Reliable Sources' to defend his Bear Stearns remarks and economic reporting in general.
3/18/2008 2:24 PM ET
'Early Show's' Maggie Rodriguez proposes a 'cram session' to Treasury Secretary to figure out a Bear Stearns-like bailout for 'agencies involved.'
3/18/2008 12:41 PM ET
ABC correspondent Terry Moran ignores lost jobs and money lost by shareholders in assessment the free market didn't work, 'government did.'
3/14/2008 4:08 PM ET
Economist Mark Zandi tells 'The Early Show' things bound to get worse, but has a backwards solution.
12/12/2007 3:31 PM ET
Why they should get a Pulitzer in misframing an issue.
12/12/2007 12:37 PM ET
The lending agreement still involves the government picking winners and losers.
12/7/2007 3:24 PM ET
'American Morning' anchor interviews homeowner facing foreclosure who won't be 'helped.'
12/5/2007 5:18 PM ET
Networks promote government bailout, downplay 80-percent home price gains and overlook consequences of dismissing mortgages' risk.
9/5/2007 1:57 PM ET
Bailing out a bum sector of the economy - with my money and yours - sends the message that people can do whatever they want without consequences. And that idea is how the mortgage problem started.