
Cable Firms Prefer One Choice Theirs

Customers faced with channels for every interest except for those who want to pay a la carte.

Econ 101: What Happens When We Subsidize

Alternative energy should be developed in a free, innovative marketplace not through government planning.

Study Takes Bite Out of Media Claims about Low-Fat Diets

A new, larger-sample study refutes previous report linking diet to cancer prevention.

The Nuclear Option

When it comes to nuclear power for U.S. energy needs, the media take a No Nukes approach thats heavy on scares, light on facts.

Ironic Media Position Follows Bushs Declaration of Oil Addiction

Press reaction that Mideast imports are no big deal is inconsistent with earlier assertions that oil is the reason for Iraq war.

Newscasts See Budget Filled with Substantial Cuts

But government continues to grow and actual reductions amount to a tiny part of the budget.

Look, Ma Bell, No Competition

CBS sees resurrection of telephone monopoly and bills going up, while other networks give free-market perspective that competition can lower bills.

Broadcasters Ignore or Distort Solid Job Report

ABC and CBS ignore 4 1/2-year unemployment low of 4.7 percent while CNN finds results mixed at best.

USA Today Insists Mine Safety Fines Arent High Enough

The untold story, however, is the trend toward increased safety and higher productivity in American mines.

6-Year Low in Unemployment Claims Draws Yawns from Media

Networks ignore the story while major newspapers downplay it.
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