11/10/2010 10:11 PM ET
Under guise of anti-obesity crusade, liberal media ask if soda is 'killing us,' compare it to cocaine and condemn fast food companies for ads.
9/27/2010 12:00 AM ET
To hear HuffPo and NYTimes, opponents of intellectual freedom lurk on every school board.
3/26/2008 1:13 PM ET
Journalists' beloved 'eco-friendly' lights now considered more dangerous than originally thought, after government mandate required their use.
12/17/2007 5:07 PM ET
Reporter ignores environmental and financial downsides of high-tech light bulbs.
11/29/2007 1:00 AM ET
World News with Charles Gibson runs a propaganda piece supporting a proposed ban on the tried and true method of parental discipline.
6/27/2007 11:26 AM ET
CNN focuses on Greenpeace response to rule that cans bottles in name of global warming. [correction appended]
1/22/2007 4:56 PM ET
Network's Ed Deitch praises local ordinance, while reporter Mike Taibbi fails to get reaction from law enforcement officers.
9/28/2006 11:05 AM ET
Network news ignored or downplayed criticism of New York City's proposed food regulation.
6/2/2004 5:41 PM ET
Big Medias Role In Covering And Promoting the Obesity Debate