
'Today' Praises Bank of America's New Overdraft Policy, Fails to Explore Negative Side of Coming Regulation

NBC reports BofA's changes to 'repair' image ahead of federal Credit CARD Act.

Companies Donate $83 Million to Haiti, Get Less Than Three Minutes of Coverage

ABC, CBS and NBC briefly mention corporate donations in wall-to-wall Haiti reporting.

'World News' Plays Populism Card: Bashes Wall St. Bonuses; Ignores Fannie, Freddie

ABC correspondent Stephanie Sy pits unemployed, mortgage-paying Americans against Wall Street executives.

Santelli Excoriates Liesman for Acting Like Nixon, Saying 'Dumb Things'

CNBC Chicago Mercantile Floor reporter blasts network's chief economics reporter for rationalizing Fed intervention of BoA/Merrill Lynch deal and possible SEC violation.

'Nightly News' Perplexed by TARP-Recipients Lending to Foreign Countries

NBC correspondent Lisa Myers investigates banking titans that made overseas loans in wake of congressional hearing.

Santelli: Get the Government Out of the Banking System

Now-famous Chicago exchange floor reporter says state intervention in banking system is a drag on taxpayer money.

ACORN Gets $2,000,000 from Bailed Out Bank of America

Will media pursue beleaguered financial institutions charitable contribution to controversial organization as they have with executive compensation?

Price of the Bailout: Media Holding BoA Culpable for Plant Closing

Bailout recipient Bank of America should keep lending to failing business, workers say.

'Nightly News' Scapegoats Countrywide for Housing Downturn

Report accusing mortgage lender for unscrupulous lending practices ignores borrowers responsibility and airs as states sue the company.
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