
Obama's "Bipartisan" Supreme Court Choices? Maybe Not

The Times is trying to sell Elena Kagan and Janet Napolitano as moderate choices for the soon-to-be-vacant Supreme Court seat. But just how "bipartisan" are they?

ABC's Diane Sawyer Pleads for European-style Gas Tax

Good Morning America's Diane Sawyer on Tuesday aggressively lobbied for the Obama administration to install a European-style gas tax on the United States. Talking to Carol Browner, Assistant to ...

Colbert To Meghan McCain, 'You're More Liberal Than President Obama!'

McCain continues to push Republicans to be more liberal on social issues.

Times Sneers Some "Angry" Pro-Life Obama Opponents "Not Even Catholic"

How dare they defend life without proper religious bona fides! "Many demonstrators had no affiliation with Notre Dame and were not even Catholic," reporter Peter Baker writes, to discredit ...

Networks Lead the Cheer for Obama's Notre Dame Address

On abortion, he talked a good game, and that was enough for reporters.
Media Research Center

Cheerleaders for the Revolution

Network Coverage of Barack Obama's First 100 Days

Diane Sawyer Frets: Obama 'Caved-In' to Cheney 'Political Right'

Good Morning America co-host Diane Sawyer worried on Thursday that Barack Obama backtracked "on his pledge to release pictures of U.S. soldiers allegedly torturing terror suspects," framing the ...

Repeat Offender: ABC's Gibson Sticks with White House 'Create or Save' Claim

'World News' host doubles-down on Obama administration assertion that the $787-billion stimulus is responsible for curbing unemployment.
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