
Obama's Problem: He's Too Reaganesque

Snark: Obama borrowed "from a leader who talked a great deal about sunny days but very little about the budget deficits and debt that flowed from his policies."

Media Silence on Abortion Aids Radical Obama

TV reporters barely mentioned Obama's pro-abortion stance during the primaries - from the launch of his candidacy in January 2007 through the end of the primaries in June 2008, just six out of ...

The Bad, the Good and the Ugly

Three breaking stories expose the developing cult of personality in America, and the harm being inflicted on our culture by the media.

Newsweek's Religion Reporter Again Features Former Bush-Supporting Pastor Now Backing Obama

Lisa Miller apparently is trying to defuse criticism of Obama over Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Larry Rohter's Most Completely Anti-McCain "Fact Check" Yet

Pro-Obama talking points disguised as objective fact-checking.

Character Counted in Second McCain-Obama Debate

While every question addressed policy issues, nearly a third also revealed the character of the candidates.

Public Editor Ludicrously Argues Obama Coverage Tougher

Clark Hoyt's narrow definition helpfully skips over clear double standards of coverage when it comes to scandals, gaffes, and race issues.

Nagourney Recites NYT Talking Points on Obama's "Sporadic Encounters" with Terrorist Ayers

Plus: Apparently only Times reporter Adam Nagourney is allowed to use Barack Obama's middle name "Hussein."

Supreme Labeling Imbalance: Still No Liberals to Be Found

Patrick Healy's piece on the future of the Supreme Court is actually a sharp improvement over a previous Times story that labeled "conservatives" on 18 occasions and liberals not once.

Double Standard: Obama Surge Newsworthy, McCain Comeback Ignored

Obama's lead rising from five points to nine? Big story. Obama's lead cut back from nine to four? No mention at all.
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