In a news brief on Thursday, NBC Nightly News reported that one of Californi’s two Democratic Senators, Barbara Boxer, would not seek reelection in 2016 and instead retire following “a decade in ...
John H. Cushman, Jr. of the New York Times almost completely slanted to the left in his Friday article about the Obama administration's decision to force religious organizations to include free ...
For Election Day 2010 the New York Times beefs up its endorsements, departing from its traditional metropolitan focus to endorse Sen. Barbara Boxer in California and Sen. Harry Reid in Nevada. The ...
For Election Day 2010 the Times beefs up its endorsements, going against its traditional metropolitan focus to endorse Sen. Barbara Boxer in California and Sen. Harry Reid in Nevada. The partisan ...
On Monday's Rick's List, CNN's Jessica Yellin leaned against California Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina as she compared one of her ads against that of her opponent, Senator Barbara ...
In a zinger that roused the indignation of MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Bloomberg columnist Margaret Carlson cast Christine O'Donnell as Sarah Palin's protege ' but "with not a fully-functioning human ...
As of this Friday, NBC's Today show has yet to mention the Joe Sestak scandal, however they did find time to poke fun at Republican California Senate candidate Carly Fiorina making fun of ...
Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's, Hardball invited on California Senator Barbara Boxer to dismiss the increasing number of townhall protestors opposed to Obama's liberal agenda as the "angry, and ...