
Barbara Walters Betrays 'Fascinating' Bias

During her Ten Most Fascinating People special, ABC's news doyenne tolerates a pregnant pseudo-man, an outspoken cultist, a scandal-beset adolescent actress and a liberal president-elect, but ...

The View: Still Pounding on Palin

ABC's morning news chatters still won't acknowledge that the media deliberately tarnished the image of the GOP vice presidential nominee.

ABC Special Touts Sex Changes as Normal

Barbara Walters promised she would raise the whole question of what is a man and what is a woman. She never answered the question, she just preached tolerance.

Pregnant 'Man': Barbara Walters Struggles Against Reality

ABC News's leading lady is using Thomas Beatie to persuade Americans to accept nontraditional families.

ABC: Courts, not Chromosomes, Now Define Sex

Barbara Walters ignores biology while insisting the pregnant man is truly a man. After all, the state of Oregon says so.

Barbara Walters Uses Pregnant 'Man' to Redefine Sexes, Family

In her quest to revise America's understanding of man and woman, the veteran ABC news celebrity covers up the essential fact: Thomas Beatie is, in reality, a woman.

Womanizer: 20/20 Sleazes Things Up in the Name of 'News'

Since when do major network evening news shows ask celeb adulterers how often they had sex?

Times Watches ABC Talk Show "The View," Finds Liberal Slant

The paper reverses its previous opinion that the show was "generally friendly territory for politicians." Plus: Barbara Walters claims "I don't think anyone knows my political opinions." Really now?

Forbes Names Vieira Most Powerful On-Air Woman in Media

Magazine ranks 'Today' host above top journalists; does not mention anti-business history.

ABC's The View Gets Hot and Heavy

Barbara Walters and her fellow panel members on waded knee-deep into sex this week, moving from porn to vibrators to S&M Barbie.
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