
George Soros: Media Mogul

Lefty Businessman Spends Millions Funding Journalism

John Cusack wants 'Satanic Death Cult Center at Fox News HQ'

Tweeting left-wing actor whines about 'haters' while calling Glenn Beck 'racist' and 'fascist.'

Lefty Rev. Attacks Beck for Crying 'Socialism'

Jim Wallis, who believes the Gospels are redistributionist, calls out Glenn Beck for questioning Obama's faith-based initiative act to merge EPA with churches.

Joy Behar to Glenn Beck: 'I Don't Give a [Expletive] About You'

HLN and 'View' host says she doesn't hate Fox News host, but doesn't think highly of him otherwise during Leno appearance.

Deutsch Praises Beck for Massa Interview: 'Beck Actually Helped His Brand A Lot'

'Morning Joe' regular commends Fox News host for handling of disgraced congressman interview.

Beck Should Be Institutionalized, 'Abusive' to Have Him on TV Says 'Daily Show' Creator

Lizz Winstead, co-creator of popular Comedy Central program, takes critical jabs at highly rated Fox News host.

Beck to Media on White House Party Crashers: Do Your Job or Face Conspiracy Theories

FNC host warns people will invent crazy answers to Salahis' State Dinner incident unless the press asks hard questions.

Huffington Says Glenn Beck Should Be Excluded from Freedom of Speech

Liberal blog co-founder likens popular Fox host's show to shouting 'fire in a crowded theater.'

'Wonder Woman' Joins the Beck Bashing on Behar Show

'View' host's new CNN HLN show dedicates another segment to tarring conservative Fox News host Glenn Beck.

Olbermann Spews Lefty Blog Anti-Gun Bile at Beck, NRA for 'Murdering Policemen'

'Countdown' host blames gun rights group for unrelated T-shirts, blames popular conservative personality to gun violence.
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