
'World News' Promotes Anti-Agribusiness Flick

ABC portrays 'Food, Inc.' documentary's claims about contamination as true nature of modern industry farming, cites recent beef recall.

ABC Wants You to Fight Global Warming One Cheeseburger at a Time

'World News' correspondent worries about everyone's contributions toward stopping climate change, even though governments worldwide must 'attack' it, he says.

Media Myth: Nine Worst Business Stories

(of the Last 50 Years)

'Early Show' Scares Viewers about Packaged Meat

CBS warns about carbon monoxide as an additive in meat packaging, but fail to show it has a health advantage.

The 'Consumer Group' That Doesn't Want You to Consume

Journalists love CSPI's hype and embrace its extremist anti-food agenda.

Time Part II: Magazine Also Has a Beef with Steak

Time's 51 things 'to make a difference' would control food we eat and where it is grown.
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