
ABC Asks: Is Bad News the New Porn?

Some people are becoming addicted to bad economic news and ABC should share some of the blame.

Journalists Credit Obama for Stock Gains, Ignore Losses

News media apply double standard to president-elect's influence on market fluctuations.

Media Endorse $700 Billion Economic 'Rescue'

Networks cheer market intervention, supply 'doomsday' predictions about economy without a bailout and claim it could turn a profit.

ABC Negates Optimism with Men-on-the-Street

'World News' undermines expert, showcases two ordinary people to give negative view on AIG bailout.

ABC Treats Rise in Consumer Confidence as Bad News

Network pretends only solution to inflation is job losses.

Journalists See 'Crisis' Where Even Economists Aren't Sure

Media see through a glass darkly and conclude economy must be doing badly.

ABC Presents One Young Spendthrift as Symbol of Poor Money Management

Reporter Stark leaves out that many 20-somethings are planning for retirement.
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