4/9/2009 1:05 PM ET
Some people are becoming addicted to bad economic news and ABC should share some of the blame.
11/12/2008 1:36 PM ET
News media apply double standard to president-elect's influence on market fluctuations.
10/8/2008 2:13 PM ET
Networks cheer market intervention, supply 'doomsday' predictions about economy without a bailout and claim it could turn a profit.
9/18/2008 3:56 PM ET
'World News' undermines expert, showcases two ordinary people to give negative view on AIG bailout.
8/20/2008 11:12 AM ET
Network pretends only solution to inflation is job losses.
10/25/2007 7:36 AM ET
Media see through a glass darkly and conclude economy must be doing badly.
7/11/2006 3:35 PM ET
Reporter Stark leaves out that many 20-somethings are planning for retirement.