
'The Secretary Speaks!' ABC Again Champion's Obama's Poster Girl for Higher Taxes, Contrasts Her Rate with Romney's

"The secretary speaks," ABC fill-in anchor David Muir excitedly teased at the top of Wednesday's World News, "billionaire investor Warren Buffett and his secretary, who pays a much-higher tax rate ...

ABC Exploits Kim Kardashian Gimmick to Champion Left-Wing Quest to Raise Tax Rates

Showing how no left-wing effort to raise taxes is too silly or embarrassing for ABC News to embrace, World News on Wednesday night jumped to promote a Web video, created by a group founded by a ...

ABC Highlights SNL Jab at Perry, 'Americans Still Can't Forget' Perry's 'Brain Freeze'

On Sunday's Good Morning America, ABC co-host Bianna Golodryga declared that "it seems Americans still can't forget" GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry's "53-second brain freeze" from last ...

Buttressing Buffett: For 10 Years, the Liberal Media Championed Billionaire's Tax Increase Agenda

President Barack Obama's nicknaming his new tax increases on the wealthy the "Warren Buffett rule" is fitting since the billionaire has spent a decade campaigning for a tax hike, a campaign his ...

ABC Trumpets 'Fairness' of Obama's 'Buffett Rule' Tax Hike Quest

"President Obama has declared it is time to take action on taxes because people in the middle class are paying a larger percentage of income tax than the super-rich," ABC anchor Diane Sawyer ...

Networks Embrace Buffett's Call for Higher Taxes on 'Mega-Rich,' ABC Salivates Over Spending It

"Billionaires on notice," ABC anchor Diane Sawyer teased Monday's World News in trumpeting, as did CBS and NBC, a New York Times op-ed by liberal billionaire Warren Buffett. Sawyer heralded ...

Networks Submerge Disastrous GDP Numbers Into Debt Ceiling Impact; ABC Spikes Revised 1st Q Flatline

The broadcast network evening newscasts on Friday night noted the very anemic second quarter GDP growth rate at 1.3 percent, but instead of stressing how it showed the weak economic state well ...

ABC Spins Soaring Gas Prices as a Weapon to Bash the GOP, Ignores Potential Problems for Obama

While the morning show hosts on NBC and CBS showcased the looming political threat of high gas prices for Barack Obama, ABC, Friday, simply repeated White House talking points and explained how ...

ABC's Amanpour Warns GOP's 'Wind in Their Sail' from Budget 'Victory' Could Hurt Future Negotiations

Appearing on Sunday's Good Morning America on ABC, This Week host Christiane Amanpour suggested that Republican House Speaker John Boehner's perceived victory in recent budget negotiations with ...

Bianna Golodryga Spins for Clinton, Worries Obama Is 'Giving in Too Much' to GOP on Budget

Good Morning America's Bianna Golodryga conducted a fawning interview with Bill Clinton on Monday and fretted that Barack Obama is "giving in too much to Republican demands" on the 2011 budget.
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