
ABC's Elisabeth Leamy Tosses Softballs to Obama: What Are You Teaching the Kids About Money?

Good Morning America's Elisabeth Leamy used an exclusive interview with Barack Obama on Friday to toss mostly softball questions, such as wondering, "I want to ask you, what are you and the First ...

CNN's Rick Sanchez: Bringing the Bias to Prime Time

Rick Sanchez, who hosts his Rick's List program for two hours during the afternoon on CNN, will be taking on the network's 8 pm Eastern hour slot for several weeks between Campbell Brown's ...

Time vs Politico: Halperin Rebukes VandeHei for Characterizing GOP Group as 'Shadowy'

On the June 21 "Morning Joe," Time magazine's Mark Halperin challenged VandeHei's characterization of American Crossroads GPS, a Republican political organization that finances issue ads designed ...

George Stephanopoulos Lobbies for Reconciliation Between Obama and Sherrod

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday lobbied Shirley Sherrod to agree that Barack Obama is trying to improve race relations. The fired USDA employee first asserted she needed ...

Bashing Breitbart: CNN's Anderson Cooper Admonishes Conservative 'Weasel' and 'Bully'

An indignant Anderson Cooper railed against Andrew Breitbart with an uncharacteristic angry commentary at the top of his eponymous CNN program yesterday, calling the conservative activist a ...

CBS Brings on Michael Eric Dyson to Bash 'Right Wing' Over Sherrod Controversy

On Thursday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Erica Hill discussed the firing of Shirley Sherrod with left-wing Georgetown University professor Michael Eric Dyson, who used the opportunity to slam ...

Politico's VandeHei Takes NAACP to Task for Labeling Tea Party Racist

Appearing on Wednesday's Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC to discuss the Shirley Sherrod controversy, Politico co-founder Jim VandeHei pointed out the NAACP's role in fueling racial accusations: "If ...

Shirley Sherrod Reminds CNN's Gergen of Nelson Mandela

Exhibiting an extreme case of the media euphoria over Shirley Sherrod's vindication, CNN senior political analyst David Gergen gushed to Rick Sanchez: "I have to tell you, Rick, I don't want to ...

CBS Shoehorns Palin 'Refudiate' Gaffe Into Story About NYC Mosque

On Tuesday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Jeff Glor managed to squeeze criticism of a gaffe made by Sarah Palin into a story on a controversial plan to build a mosque just blocks from Ground ...

Dylan Ratigan Shouts Down Conservative Guest for Objecting to Liberal Dogma

On his July 20 afternoon program, Dylan Ratigan shouted down the Washington Examiner's J.P. Freire for challenging the MSNBC host's liberal orthodoxy and accusing him of giving more air time to ...
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