
CNN's Obnoxious Question: Will GOP Listen to McCain's Warning to Raise Debt Ceiling?

Although President Obama and the Democrats have stridently insisted that increased tax revenues be part of a debt ceiling deal, CNN is content to choose sides and paint only the conservative ...

Video Proves Chris Matthews Totally Distorted Ronald Reagan's Position on Taxes

On Wednesday's Hardball, Chris Matthews took a clip from a 24 year-old Ronald Reagan press conference and disingenuously passed it off as the Republican's take on "raising taxes to deal with the ...

NBC: Maybe 'Near Catastrophic Financial Reaction' Will Bring House GOP in Line on Debt Ceiling

Appearing on Thursday's NBC Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd lamented no deal being reached on the debt ceiling and solely blamed House Republicans: "Nobody has a plan that can ...

NBC Touts Democrats Claiming Allen West Guilty of 'Sexual Harassment' Against Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

On Thursday's NBC Today, congressional correspondent Kelly O'Donnell reported on a war of words between Republican Congressman Allen West and Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz: ...

CBS Frets Waste of Time on 'Cut Cap and Balance,' But Promotes 'Remarkable Resurrection' for 'Gang of 6'

House Republicans have a budget-cutting proposal that stands no chance of getting by President Obama while some Senators have a big tax-hiking plan which stands no chance of passage in the House, ...

MSNBC Anchors Promote Democratic Ad Butchering Reagan's Debt Ceiling Address

At least five MSNBC anchors since Tuesday have promoted a cherry-picked House Democratic Caucus video that distorts President Ronald Reagan's position on the debt ceiling, inaccurately asserting ...

Chris Matthews Lies About Ronald Reagan as Way to Smear 'Terrorist' Republicans

Hardball host Chris Matthews on Wednesday distorted Ronald Reagan's position on taxes in order to justify his bizarre assertion that the late President would consider the current Republican stance ...

CNN Again Uses David Brooks to Pressure GOP to Compromise on Debt Ceiling

Referencing the sweet reason of the New York Times's "conservative" David Brooks, CNN's Brooke Baldwin urged Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) to listen to the voice of compromise in the debt ceiling debate.

Republican Joe Walsh Taunts 'Bully' Chris Matthews: Obama 'Sends a Tingle Up Your Leg'

Republican Congressman Joe Walsh didn't put up with Chris Matthews' "bullying" on Tuesday, mocking the liberal MSNBC anchor for his effusive praise of Barack Obama. Over the host's frequent ...

Networks Cast Big-Government Obama as Pushing 'Very Significant' and 'Painful' Budget Cuts

Over the past 10 days, as the debt ceiling negotiations have seemingly stalled, network reporters and newspaper correspondents have repeatedly cast President Obama as striving for "very ...
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