
Times Celebrates James Cameron As Hero of Indigenous People on Front Page

The creator of "Avatar," which the Times calls "his epic tale of greed versus nature," is saving the indigenous people in Brazil, and threatens - um, promises, a sequel.

Times Still Calling 'Haditha' a Crime, Despite Acquittals of Marines

From the cover of the Times Sunday Book Review: "Of all the crimes that sullied the record of the United States military in Iraq - the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, the killings of 24 Iraqi ...

NYT AWOL on Latest 'Climate Change' Revelations

Notorious climate scientist Phil Jones confessed that world temperatures could well have been warmer in the past than they are today, and also admitted there has been no statistically significant ...

The NY Times Goes AWOL on Latest 'Climate Change' Revelations

Notorious climate scientist Phil Jones recently confessed there has been no global warming since 1995. The Times has skipped that revelation, instead featuring columnist Thomas Friedman renaming ...

NY Times Goes to Idaho to Explore Paranoid Tea Party Movement

New York Times investigative reporter David Barstow goes to Idaho to understand the paranoia of the Tea Party movement, and brings up past anti-government and racist extremists in a 4,500-word ...

Beware the Tea Party Movement!

Investigative reporter David Barstow goes to Idaho to understand the paranoia of the Tea Party movement, and brings up past anti-government and racist extremists in a 4,500-word front-page ...

Obama Loves Attorney General Eric Holder, and So Does the Times

Obama hearts the "low-key" "genial," "self-deprecating," and of course "pragmatic" Attorney General Eric Holder, in a long profile of Holder that fails to mention his Justice Department's refusal ...

Stout Plays Up John Murtha's Anti-War Turn in Obit, But Omits Smear of Marines as Killers

David Stout's obituary for old-line Democratic Rep. John Murtha omitted the congressman's smear of Marines in Iraq, who he accused of killing Iraqi civilians "in cold blood."

NBC Trumpeted the Launch of Liberal 'Counterweight' Air America, Skips Demise of Radio Network

When the liberal radio network Air America debuted on March 31, 2004, NBC trumpeted it as the "counterweight" to the "right-wing bent" of talk radio. Katie Couric enthused that Al Franken and his ...

CNN's Kurtz: 'Stunning Lapse in Judgment' for CNN to Ignore Baucus Scandal, CBS's Reid Sees 'No Scandal'

On Sunday's Reliable Sources, CNN's Howard Kurtz brought up the scarcity of media attention paid to the revelation that high-profile Democratic Senator Max Baucus nominated his girlfriend to be a ...
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