Big Bird

Media Research Center


Media Research Center

Presidential Priorities

Media Research Center

After Hyping Big Bird Ad, NBC's Lauer Wonders if Obama Campaign Just Wanted Attention

After promoting the Obama campaign's Bird Bird ad on Tuesday's NBC Today, not to mention it being played repeatedly on MSNBC, in an interview with campaign advisor Robert Gibbs on Wednesday's ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Todd Dismisses Big Bird Ad as Bait for Media Attention...MSNBC Runs it 10 Times

Appearing on Tuesday's MSNBC Morning Joe, NBC political director and chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd discounted a new satirical ad from the Obama campaign mocking Mitt Romney for ...
Media Research Center

Tough Times on Subsidy Street

Media Research Center

NBC: Romney Debate Performance 'Completely Overshadowed' When He 'Attacked' Big Bird

During the Week in Buzz segment on Sunday's NBC Today, Ericka Souter, editor of the celebrity gossip blog The Stir, trashed Mitt Romney for announcing plans to cut federal funding of PBS, ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Mackey Puzzled by Romney's Attack on Sesame Street, Which Is 'Well-Respected' in France and Brazil

The Times' Lede blogger Robert Mackey gets unusually worked up in his defense of Big Bird and his disdain for voters who consider it a drain on the Treasury. It's popular in Brazil, for one thing: ...
Media Research Center

CNN Keeps Hyping Romney's Proposed PBS Cuts, PBS Host Calls It 'Attack on Children'

CNN continued to hype Big Bird as a key debate issue on Friday morning's Starting Point as Soledad O'Brien brought on PBS "Reading Rainbow" host Lavar Burton who laid into Mitt Romney's ...
Media Research Center

GOP Congressman Rips CNN for 'Disservice' to Struggling Americans by Focusing on 'Big Bird'

When CNN laughably focused Thursday morning on Mitt Romney cutting funding for "Big Bird" as a key debate moment, Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) took CNN to task on Thursday for hyping such a ...
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