
'Nightly News' Pushes Auto Bailout in Madoff Scandal Coverage

CNBC correspondent Trish Regan points out alleged Madoff $50 billion Ponzi scheme is 'twice the amount of money the auto companies are asking Congress for.'

Dear NY Times: White House Bailout Logic is Flawed

In times of economic distress it is more important to use resources more carefully, not less.

The Media's Top 10 Worst Economic Myths of 2008

BMI's collection of outrageous economic bias for the entire year: From the salmonella outbreak to the media's call for a new, New Deal.

Are Autoworkers Really Making $73 an Hour? No, Says UAW & NYT...

...but Yes, says the Heritage Foundation and the automakers themselves.

Not Green -- GM Car Shipped to Washington for PR Stunt

Rick Wagoner arrives to make bailout plea in Chevy Volt, but really took Chevy Malibu hybrid from Detroit to Washington.

Frank Adds Media to List of Parties Responsible for Automaker Woes

House Financial Services Committee chairman assigns blame to auto companies, politicians, unions and the media.

'Evening News' Shows How Foreign Automakers Do It Right in America

'Tale of Two Plants' segment details Hyundai's lower costs of production versus Big Three.

Networks Back Big Three Bailout

As with mortgage bailout, broadcast news outlets support government rescue of failing auto makers. Writer Calls Potential GM Bankruptcy 'A Suicidal Thing'

'Your $$$$$' considers the pros and cons of an auto bailout but ignores some causes of GM's near bankruptcy.

Dear Post: 'Too Big to Fail' Gets it Wrong

Failure is vital for unproductive companies, especially the big ones.
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