
OK to Represent American Taliban, But Big Tobacco Verboten

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is attacked on the front page for having once represented Big Tobacco. So how did the Times treat an Obama Justice Department nominee who represented an American Taliban ...

'Big Oil' Faces 'the Same Game Plan that Brought Down Big Tobacco'

Lawyer that sued the tobacco industry in the 1990s now suing energy industry for causing climate change, according to Atlantic Monthly.

A Rarely Seen Side of the Tobacco Story

WSJ shows one alternative to tobacco is ... tobacco?

Big Tobacco and the Supreme Court: Double Jeopardy, Civil-Style?

This Halloween, the Supreme Court will determine how much plaintiffs can scare up in punitive damages.

Addicted to Tobacco Stories: A One-Sided Portrayal of a Risky Product

Addicted to Tobacco Stories: A One-Sided Portrayal of a Risky Product
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