Bill Maher

Media Research Center

Walloping Walker: The Media’s Worst Attacks on the Wisconsin Governor

Scott Walker’s official entry into the 2016 presidential race has already been met with questions about his sophistication and readiness to be president by the liberal media.
Media Research Center

Bill Maher Berates Undergrad Trying to PC-ify Humor

Comedian pokes fun at student’s arrogant letter to Jerry Seinfeld.
Media Research Center

Comedians Maher and Ross Support Seinfeld on ‘PC’

Agree libs should stop ‘taking themselves so seriously.’
Media Research Center

Bill Maher Asks If Abortion Is Responsible for Less Crime

But creator of American Crime suggests many other factors, not abortion, for dropping crime rates.
Media Research Center

War On What? ‘Friends’ Actress Dumbfounded When Maher Asks About ‘War on Women’

Liberal host’s question met with crickets and a blank stare.  
Media Research Center

On CNN, Marc Lamont Hill Slams 'Racist' Bill Maher for Views on Islam

Left-wing academic Marc Lamont Hill blasted atheists Bill Maher and Sam Harris on Monday's CNN Tonight for their blunt views about the Islamic faith: "When he [actor Sam Harris] says that Islam is ...
Media Research Center

CBS Defends Ben Affleck Following Battle With Bill Maher Over Radical Islam

On Friday night, Ben Affleck appeared on HBO's Real Time w/ Bill Maher and participated in a heated debate with fellow liberal Bill Maher over radical Islam’s influence on the Muslim world. ...
Media Research Center

Media Upset by Amnesty Delay; Double Standard on Coalitions

Instead of worrying whether President Obama’s planned Executive Order delivering amnesty to potentially millions of illegal immigrants might violate the Constitution, journalists upbraid the ...
Media Research Center

Maher: Obama's Foes Hate 'Him In a Way They Never Hated Before' Because He's Black

On the September 9 Charlie Rose show Bill Maher pronounced that Barack Obama “will be treated in history very kindly” because future generations will realize “he’s dealing obviously with ...
Media Research Center

Bill Maher Schools PBS Host Charlie Rose Over Islam's 'Illiberal Beliefs'

HBO's Bill Maher clashed with Charlie Rose on the veteran host's PBS show on Tuesday over the atheist's outspoken views on Islam. Maher underlined the "illiberal beliefs that are held by vast ...
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