
The Great Newspaper Bailout

Liberals, politicians, journalists want Uncle Sam to save news with your tax dollars

Media Myth: Networks Ignore Trillion-Dollar Price Tag of Climate Cap Bill

Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill leaves committee while ABC, CBS, NBC remain silent.

Time to Bury Fannie & Freddie, Not Praise Them

Taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for corruption, bad business decisions and lobbying.

CNN's Gergen: 'Democratic Congress' Will 'Move Toward Raising Taxes'

'Issue #1' considers how McCain and Obama 'differ' on taxes.

Boxer: 'Recession' is 'Precisely' the Right Time for Economic Upheaval of Cap-and-Trade

California senator claims expensive legislation needed to avert war caused by global warming.

CBS Guest: Taxpayer-Funded Bailout Needed So Taxes Can Be Collected Later

Economist Mark Zandi tells 'The Early Show' things bound to get worse, but has a backwards solution.

Global Warming Censored

How the Major Networks Silence the Debate on Climate Change

'Today' Lights Up Your Life with Puff Piece on Replacing Bulbs

Vieira changes one light bulb in her house, praises government mandate for compact fluorescents, and forgets to mention her big boss profits from their sale.

Subject of ABC Medicare Story Claims Misrepresentation

Retiree named Medicare Advantage 'favorite' says 'Good Morning America' exaggerated his support of private insurance companies.

USA Today Praises Bill's Dimming of Incandescents

Reporter ignores environmental and financial downsides of high-tech light bulbs.
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