
Media Research Center

98 Percent of Networks Jobs Stories Ignore High Black Unemployment

Despite bipartisan outrage, NBC gives just 10 seconds to jobs crisis while ABC, CBS remain silent.

Pitchfork Populism: ABC Takes Aim at WellPoint on Eve of ObamaCare Summit

'World News' attacks insurer for profits and company retreats the night before so-called bipartisan White House health care meeting.

Media Defend Obama's 'Revamped' Health Care Takeover Plan

Networks and cable misreport elimination of 'Cornhusker' deal, fail to criticize price controls and downplay public opposition.

Networks Cheer: 'The Check Is in the Mail,' 'Cash Is on the Way'

Coverage is not concerned with the cost to taxpayers, but if checks can be cut in time and whether recipients will spend or save their 'rebates.'
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