
CBS Obesity Story Heavy on Hype, Light On Substance

Reporter Thalia Assuras fails to inform audience of the limitations of body mass index in diagnosing, treating childhood obesity.

CBS's Couric All But Ignored Dow's Record 12,011 Close

'Evening News' anchor continues pattern of economic reporting BMI found in latest study

Bad Company II: Executive Summary

Oscar-Nominated Movies Bash Business, but Hollywood Claims Thats Entertainment

Bad Company

For American Businessmen, Primetime is Crimetime

Bad Company: Executive Summary

For American Businessmen, Primetime is Crimetime

Fire and Ice

Journalists have warned of climate change for 100 years, but cant decide weather we face an ice age or warming.

Hit Job: Executive Summary

Networks Emphasize Layoffs In A Year of 2 Million New Jobs


Big Media Continue Skewing Obesity Debate (May-October 2004)
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