Bob Schieffer

Media Research Center

CBS’s Bob Schieffer Interviews Democrat Elijah Cummings, Ignores His Relationship With Lois Lerner

Earlier this week, Town Hall revealed that former IRS official Lois Lerner fed tax information from the conservative group “True the Vote” to Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD). Cummings is ...
Media Research Center

Thomas Friedman On Questioning Global Warming: ‘That’s Not Conservatism, That’s Trotskyite Radical’

“New York Times” columnist Thomas Friedman took a nasty swipe at conservatives over the subject of climate change on Sunday April 6. Friedman appeared alongside Heidi Cullen of Climate Central on ...
Media Research Center

Bob Schieffer and Brian Williams Push Liberal Reaction to SCOTUS Campaign Finance Decision

Both CBS's Bob Schieffer and NBC's Brian Williams cried foul on Wednesday evening at the Supreme Court striking down the cap on overall political donations, showing sympathy for supporters of ...
Media Research Center

Washington Post’s David Ignatius Cheers On Obama ‘Trying To Understand’ the Way Putin Sees the World

Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, the Washington Post’s David Ignatius did his best to shill for President Obama following the President’s interview with CBS’s Scott Pelley. Following ...
Media Research Center

Media Millionaires: 6 Wealthy Journalists Whine about Income Inequality

Despite their incredible wealth, anchors promote liberal views on taxes, wealth and income.
Media Research Center

‘Face the Nation’ Edits Out Senator Cruz Condemning Obama’s ‘Abuse of Power’

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) appeared on CBS Face the Nation on Sunday morning and was met with a barrage of questions from host Bob Schieffer about his involvement in the government shutdown. Apart ...
Media Research Center

CBS’s Schieffer Questions Robert Gates’s Loyalty to President Obama

CBS’s Bob Scheiffer had some harsh words for former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on his Sunday show Face the Nation surrounding the release of Gates’ new memoir “Duty.” Appearing on his ...
Media Research Center

Gay Rights Movement Threatens Businesses

Venues, bakers and florists on receiving end of hate, harassment and lawsuits for holding to religious convictions; networks say little.
Media Research Center

Schieffer Rues: If Only ObamaCare Had Been Enacted Before Opponents Could Attack It

From the debate over ObamaCare over the past few years, Bob Schieffer learned not of all the problems that need to be addressed or that it lacks public support, but that it should have been ...
Media Research Center

Flashback to 1995/96: Networks Mourn Victims of Shutdown, Single Out Republicans for Blame

“After the President vetoed several spending bills, not one story blamed him for the shutdown, but nearly two dozen declared the GOP culpable. Furloughed workers and other ‘victims’ were ...
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