Executive Editor Bill Keller on "Absolute Monarchs A History of the Papacy": "We get a disheartening chapter on Pius XI and Pius XII, whose fear of Communism (along with the church's long streak ...
The Times Book Review goes into detail about criticism of the black cover of "Demonic," Ann Coulter's latest New York Times bestseller. But will the paper deign to review what's inside? It rarely ...
Author McGowan is not a boycotter or enemy of the Times, but longs for a much better version of the Times than is being produced by the current regime. His book "Gray Lady Down" comes loaded with ...
Holly Brubach gets seriously anti-Catholic in "T," the Times style magazine: "[Marina] Warner's scholarly survey of the shape-shifting that Mary has undergone over the past two millennia ...
During a Today show report about how well books written by the likes of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are selling, the Times' Jenny Schuessler rationalized that the only reason conservative books ...
Author William McGowan and Times Book Review editor Sam Tanenhaus had a revealing email exchange recently over the prospects of the New York Times reviewing McGowan's new book "Gray Lady Down ...
Strained relations with the Muslim world? Blame the United States, says UN Bureau Chief Neil MacFarquhar: "The problem, which 'Arab Voices' persuasively illustrates, is that Americans tend to ...
William McGowan, Times critic and author of the new book Gray Lady Down, argues that by September 11, 2001, the Times had already established itself as the standard-bearer for "counter-cultural ...
Tea Party reporter Kate Zernike on the Tea Party canon, including Friedrich Hayek, a Nobel Prize Winner in Economics in 1974 who died in 1992: "But when it comes to ideology, it has reached back ...