5/15/2012 3:25 PM ET
Front page story cites student $120,000 in debt; later admits only 3 percent of borrowers have $100K+ burden.
8/6/2008 9:14 AM ET
Taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for corruption, bad business decisions and lobbying.
6/26/2008 11:05 AM ET
'Good Morning America' claims lenders are luring students into debt.
6/10/2008 10:12 AM ET
Segment puts burden on mortgage companies to make concessions on payments and interest rates to borrowers.
4/24/2008 11:28 AM ET
CBS blames housing crisis, not lost job, for loss of home in foreclosure hardship story.
11/15/2007 5:25 PM ET
CBS, ABC and NBC predictably report foreclosures, but give differing statistics on evening news broadcasts.
9/14/2007 1:07 PM ET
Reporter warns if foreclosed borrowers 'don't get some help, it will be the rest of the economy that needs it.'
8/17/2007 2:01 PM ET
Media reports of bankruptcy appear to be premature, as the Fed cuts discount rate and mortgage lender secures $11 billion in financing.
3/28/2007 3:35 PM ET
Networks blame lenders, not borrowers for foreclosure 'epidemic.'