
For Love of Money

Medias suspicion of and disdain for The Rich continues with Congress extension of tax cuts.

ABC sees student loan crisis, ignores hot job market

NBC and USA Today report best market in four years for college graduates.

United Nations Reports Success in Containing Bird Flu in East Asia

News comes days after alarmist ABC movie capitalized on fears of a global pandemic.

ABC Mislabels CSPI in Story on Faulty Labeling

Network reporters leave out liberal tag, history of anti-industry advocacy.

ABC Hits Gas Price Windfall to Big Government

Networks Dan Harris goes against media conventional wisdom again with report on governments tax bite at the pump.

Media Concerned about Government Having Phone Numbers

But government tax collectors know far more about you than the NSA learned from phone companies.

Alls Well that Ends in Oil

Drilling in ANWR gets an icy reception from Congress and the media.

Nightline Separates Fact from Fiction on Bird Flu

But two months earlier ABCs Avila featured a doctor who warned of a 50 percent death rate from virus.

NY Times Shivers at Cooling Housing Market

Negative spin emphasizes cooling prices rather than benefits of a buyers market in residential real estate.
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