Occupy Wall Street organizers claim to stand against the "One Percent," but they conveniently ignore the massive wealth of celebrities among their supporters.
Since the Obama machine can't run on the fairy dust of Hope and Change, they'll launch one of the most scorching personal assaults on the GOP nominee the country has ever witnessed.
The Nobel Prize-winning New York Times columnist matched the prize's namesake. He threw rhetorical dynamite at anything in the way of his radical worldview.
It is a testimony to feminism that in today's post-feminist entertainment media, part of what makes television so corrosive and sour is just how piggish the women have become.
A new study from the MRC's Culture and Media Institute found a huge difference in TV coverage of the religious faith of Republican and Democrat presidential candidates. Does that surprise anyone?
Former entertainment executive Laurie David went to The Huffington Post to propose a "Thanksgiving Conversation Starter: Is It Time to Ban Soda Ads on Prime Time Television?"