
Porn: Just Another Business?

CNBC tries to shore up their prime-time ratings with a sleazy documentary on the pornography industry. "It's as mainstream as Must-See TV," chirped anchor Melissa Lee.

PBS and Health-Care Hypocrites

Bill Moyers shared the story of former insurance company spokesman-turned-socialist Wendell Potter - but covered up his new radical-left employer, and just how much Moyers helped that employer.

Bozell Commends CBS

The Jackson Whitewash

The coverage of Michael Jackson's memorial service capped days of media celebration that avoided his disturbing behavior toward children. The Washington Post described it as "the completion of ...

News Executives In The Tank

When challenged about offering hours of prime time to the Obama White House, network executives can get testy. NBC's Mark Whitaker shot back, "Compared to what, more of 'The Biggest Loser'?" ABC's ...

Oliver Stone, Lousy Historian

Movie director Oliver Stone said on HBO that Ronald Reagan was a dumb "SOB." Historians and Reagan aides say the dumb one is the man from Hollywood.

Celebrities At The End

When Michael Jackson suddenly died, the TV mourning overflowed, but no one asked: Was he a good man? Farrah Fawcett died the same day, demonstrating how celebrity can be used to help others. In ...

This Is Your Nurse On Drugs

Showtime's new series "Nurse Jackie" is a noxious brew of drugs, adultery, lying, thieving, and anti-religious sentiment. But The New Yorker squealed it "actually tastes good."
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